Let island be green energy leader

by Carol
(Ynys Mon)

Why can we not harness the natural resources of Anglesey? We could become a leading light in wind and wave generation of energy, also in the conservation of energy.

Surely we could become self-sufficient in our own energy needs and surely we could encourage such companies to locate here.

Concerted effort in this area can only increase employment and tourism. I am so sad to think of Wylfa B being built here as it diminishes this beautiful island.

We are better than condoning the production of toxic materials for which there is no safe storage, for any reason, nor should we put this island and its natural beauty at risk.

You only need to visit the coastland around Dounreay in North West Scotland to see what damage can be done, as for miles and miles the whole of the seabed and coast is radioactive.

Whatever these companies say the risks, even today, are very real. Whilst the risk assessments are said to be small we have seen many problems arise in many locations, any risk is too great.

Yes the economy needs to be developed and jobs need to be created but let us find another way, let us not be another economically 'deprived' area who is being taken advantage of because of a perceived desperation. Just say no!


Thanks Carole for your contribution to what is a very important issue for Anglesey as well as the rest of North Wales.

As you can see from the other articles posted in this section, there is quite a wide range of opinion as to what should happen at Wylfa Head when the existing Wylfa A station eventually shuts down.

A number of options have been considered and the NDA commissioned a series of questionnaires to ask local stakeholders what they would like to see happening to the site.

the possibilities were using the site for industrial development, building a new power station, a site for elderly care homes or agricultural purposes.

There are many issues to consider,including strategic long term energy security for the UK, local jobs on the island, health and safety of citizens and the need to tackle the serious impact of potentially irreversible climate change due to increasing greenhouse gas emissions.

With regard to the island becoming an energy leader Carol, you may have read in the press recently that Carwyn Jones, the First Minister of Wales, has called on Wales to seize this decade as the Energy Decade.

In this repsect, the island would play a major role given the advanced plans for a tidal array between Skerries rock and Carmel Head, which would provide a big chunk of the island population with green energy from tidal currents.

Anglesey County Council recently gave the green light to the tidal power project near Skerries which will be carried out by Sea Generation Wales Limited, a joint venture between RWE npower renewables and Bristol-based Marine Current Turbines (MCT), using their new Seagen turbine technology.

There is also the proposed 300MW biomass plant at the former Anglesey Aluminium smelter site in Holyhead, which is currently awaiting planning approval from the UK Government.

There is a possibility of further wind turbine construction to the north of Anglesey, following the granting of a licence in the Irish Sea for offshore renewable energy sites.

Remember there are already three wind farms on the island as well as a major site about 10 miles east of Puffin Island, and 8 miles north of Llandudno, at Gwynt-y-Mor.

The Energy Island Anglesey will play a leading role in the new green energy strategy for Wales.

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Comments for Let island be green energy leader

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Jun 01, 2011
Green Anglesey
by: Liz Thomas

I worked on the construction of Wylfa -- with Taylor Woodrow, my very first job after college!

I must say that the Greening of Anglesey would be a very good thing. The Skerries Tidal Power Project is a great idea and I really feel other Green Power Projects should be encouraged. Anglesey could become a totally self-sufficient island and an example to the rest of the country -- and the world, for that matter! Jobs would be created and local people and tourists would all benefit.

I hope that the biomass project at the old Anglesey Aluminium plant goes ahead -- I worked on the construction of that too!

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