Dietary Tips for Looking Young, Healthy and Glowing
by Vishal P. Rao
If you think that it is high time for you to start watching what you eat so that you will appear younger and feel stronger and more energetic, here are a few tips to start with.
What to Eat
- Do eat a lot of high-fiber foods. These may be in the form of your main meal, such as brown rice (if you're used to white rice, you can begin with a mixture of brown and white, eventually transitioning to pure brown rice). In terms of snacks, you can eat apples with the skin on and bananas. There are many high-fiber foods and snacks available in the market, so you will be certainly spoilt for choice.
- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Produce is a great source of energy and nutrients, providing you with much-needed energy that will allow your body to perform at its peak.
- Protein is also good. As you age, your metabolism begins to slow down, making it more important for you to watch what you eat so you don't unknowingly gain weight. A good source of protein is yogurt, which comes in many varieties and can prove to be a tasty and appealing snack or dessert.
- Dried fruits, nuts and seeds are really good sources of fiber. Add some fish oil supplements with it also to increase your fiber intake to keep your metabolism going and your digestive system healthy and strong.
- Invest in the 5 superfoods that will keep your body and skin physically young: spinach (which contains a lot of Vitamin K, a vitamin known to increase calcium levels, keeping your bones healthy and strong), curry powder (which helps increase and build mental muscle, thanks to an ingredient called curcumin, which prevents Alzheimer's disease), tomatoes (which can protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun, thanks to its lycopene content), almonds (which are stuffed with Vitamin E, which your skin will love) and dark chocolate (a moderate amount of which can lower your blood pressure substantially).
What to Avoid
- Sugar - Avoid foods and sweets that are high in sugar, as sugar is known to be one of the primary culprits in premature aging. Sugar, as its only calories, acts directly on the adrenal glands, making them work harder. If you are stressed, consuming sugar will only make the already exhausted adrenal glands more exhausted. Too much sugar will not only result in ailments like diabetes, it can also make your skin sag and wrinkle like there's no tomorrow, making you look much older than your age.
- Caffeine – Just like sugar, caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands and prevents the mind and body from relaxing and experiencing deep sleep, especially when taken during bed-time.
- Refined foods – Refined foods like white four and in general all processed foods are devoid of essential nutrients and fiber. Our body has to work double hard (and use its mineral, vitamin and enzyme store) in processing and eliminating such foods.
By consuming fresh, wholesome foods and giving sufficient rest to our body, we can definitely slow down aging and improve our overall well-being.
Vishal P. Rao writes on holistic living, nutrition, meditation and spirituality. See his other article on slowing down aging by watching your diet here.